First progress meeting of the R2CITIES, a project about residential renovation towards nearly zero- energy cities.

First progress meeting of the R2CITIES, a project about residential renovation towards nearly zero- energy cities.

The R2CITIES Consortium met for three days at the premises of partner Acciona in Madrid to assess achievements to date and plan the coming project period. 

Last 12 – 14 February, the R2CITIES project consortium gathered in Madrid, Spain, for its first progress meeting. The purpose of this ambitious four-year FP7 project is to develop and demonstrate replicable strategies for designing, constructing and managing large-scale district renovation projects for achieving nearly zero energy cities. These results will open the way for new refurbishments on a European scale within the framework of new urban energy planning strategies.

Project coordinator Rubén García from Fundación CARTIF led the three days of intensive exchange among R2CITIES partners as well as two workshops about the complex implementation of R2CITIES. The review of work packages revealed that RTD activities and demonstration activities are equally relevant for the successful delivery of R2CITIES results. Rubén García said:

“R2CITIES most important impact will be the development and demonstration of innovative, cost-effective, high performance retrofitting concepts and solutions to boost high quality district renovations and to accelerate market uptake of low efficient building stock “.

One of the workshops that took place dealt with energy efficient district renovation methodology dedicated on methods for Integrated Project Delivery (IPD), Building Information Modelling (BIM) as well as Life Cycle Studies (LCA and LCC) revealed the truly innovative solutions adopted in R2CITIES. Project solutions will take technology integration from the individual building onto the district level. The definition of an energy efficient district renovation methodology will represent a key for replication and uptake of the R2CITIES concepts.

Partner Steinbeis facilitated the second workshop dealing with exploitation and market deployment strategies. During interactive exercises, the partners were challenged to express and exchange their initial ideas about exploitation paths, as they see it from their involvement into R2CITIES.

The three demonstration sites are located in different climate regions and each has its set of challenges. There is one in the Italian city of Genoa, another in Turkey in Kartal, a municipality within the city of Istanbul, and the third is part of Valladolid in Spain. All are managed by their respective municipalities and participated in the meeting to represent public policy makers.


R2CITES is coordinated by Fundación CARTIF (Boecillo-Valladolid) and developed in cooperation with 15 other partners: Sociedad Municipal de Suelo y Vivienda de Valladolid SL, Acciona Infraestructuras SA, and Onyx Solar Energy SL, , Steinbeis-Europa-Zentrum of the Steinbeis Innovation gGmbH, D’Appolonia SPA, Municipality of Genoa, University of Genoa, ABB SPA, Officinae Verdi SPA, Istanbul Teknik Universitesi, Ode AS, Municipality of Kartal, Ezinc Metal AS, GEIE

R2CITIES is co-financed by the EU within Framework Programme 7 (FP7)