For EUSEW 2017, R2CITIES organised two webinars about avoiding the pitfalls of residential district retrofitting

For EUSEW 2017, R2CITIES organised two webinars about avoiding the pitfalls of residential district retrofitting

Many pitfalls lie in wait for the unwitting district renovator. Not only is it crucial to be cost-effective and environmentally sustainable, but you have to involve stakeholders and take on board social aspects too. Many variables. Many wrong turns possible. You therefore need to plan carefully and then adjust your heading throughout the project. Getting your design methodology right and managing your data are therefore key to successful retrofitting. 

All this prompted us to bundle our experience together and share it.

Thus, with this year’s EU Sustainable Energy Week as a backdrop, experts from the R2CITIES project delivered two webinars on how to navigate the pitfalls of residential district retrofitting. Drawing on their first-hand experience of renovating three districts in three different countries, our team shone the spotlight on retrofitting design methodology and then on data management.

The first webinar focused on retrofitting design methodology. Building on realities of renovating three districts in three different countries (Italy, Spain, Turkey) currently being renovated under the R2CITIES project, experts from Acciona, Cartif and Steinbeis 2i addressed the major pitfalls and reduce risk, to keep track of data and overcome the technical and social barriers using a flexible methodology d design.

The second webinar looked at getting a handle on all the data involved in large-scale district renovation. Using our own examples from the demo districts, we discussed how to leverage smart data collection and mining, real-time energy consumption control and a district monitoring platform to make district-scale retrofitting less of a headache. On board for this webinar were project partners ABB, D’Appolonia, Cartif and Steinbeis 2i.

Click here to download the presentations and the recordings:


7 July 2017