News from our networks

As a demonstration project, R2CITIES is keen to engage in various communities relevant to its interests. The following is a selection of news from Energy Cities, Smart Cities and Communities, Buildup and Managenergy


Energy Cities Annual Rendezvous, 23-25 April 2014, Riga (Latvia)
Co-organised with the City of Riga, European Capital of Culture 2014

Co-organised and hosted by the City of Riga, European Capital of Culture 2014 and gateway to the East, Energy Cities’ next Annual Rendezvous will explore the successful strategies of local leaders, building bridges between the pieces of the energy transition puzzle.

For further information and to register: Energy Cities Annual Rendezvous



Looking for Projects to Make Smart Cities even Smarter 

The Cluster for Application and Technology Research in Europe on NanoElectronics has opened its 7th call
The objective is to gather a strong group of projects to “make smart cities even smarter, as well as more comfortable, efficient and green”. The objective is the European Industry leadership through technological solutions in micro and nanothecnologies.
The call is now open and proposals must be submitted by 5 April. Projects will start in January 2015.

For further information: CATRENE call 7



Overview of national programmes to stimulate energy efficiency market

BuildUp portal has published an an overview schemes from different European countries designed to stimulate energy efficiency markets. Further information is avaialable on various financing schemes for residential and non-residential buildings, municipalities, individual home-owner etc.

For further information: Overview of national programmes



Money for Renewable, Clean and Energy Efficient Innovations

The European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) has launced a call for proposals through its Knowledge and Innovation Community (KIC) for InnoEnergy. The call seeks proposals that strengthen innovation and entrepreneurship chiefly within the field of sustainable energy.

For further information: call for proposals