Reccomended events

South-East European Exhibition on Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, 11 – 13 March, Sofia, Bulgaria​

Targeting professionals, the second edition of the international exhibition about energy efficiency and the white-green economy. Come to the stand and meet some of the R2CITIES experts face to face. 

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Meet R2CITIES partner EKODENGE at the 3rd International GreenAge Symposium, 15-17 April in Istanbul, Turkey

This third edition of GreeAge Symposium will focus on sustainable integrated design – creative and innovative approaches. 

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Energy Cities Annual Conference 2015, 22-24 April Aberdeen, UK 

This annual conference is organised by Energy Cities, the European Association of local authorities in energy transition.

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International Building Physics Conference 2015, 14 - 17 June, Turin, Italy 

The International Building Physics Conference (IBPC) takes place every 3 years and is organized by the International Association of Building Physics (IABP).

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European Union Sustainable Energy Week, 15 – 19 June 2015

During EUSEW2015 several demo sites will be opening their doors to become for a day Open Houses. Guided visits, exhibitions and demonstrations are currently under discussion to reach out to wide but local stakeholders as well as the general public.

Keep an eye on the R2CITIES website to find out where and when!

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