The "Sociedad Municipal de Suelo y Vivienda de Valladolid (VIVA, SL)" was established in 1993 as an organization with legal personality, dependent on the city council of Valladolid, in the legal form of limited trading company.
It takes part in the management of land market and housing; it provides the land needed for the construction of social housing and rehabilitation of buildings, allocating and contracting all kinds of works, studies and projects for the construction or rehabilitation of buildings.
The municipal corporation has implemented three major projects for housing rehabilitation: the first in the old area of the city of Valladolid, where more than 500 houses were rehabilitated, the other two projects in a neighbourhood of the city of Valladolid, the district of La Rondilla, with the objective to improve the energy efficiency of buildings, the reduction of consumption of energy bills of the occupants of the houses and the accessibility of the buildings without any elevators. One of the two projects is fully implemented now; 41 buildings and 482 houses were rehabilitated.
Ruben Garcia Muñoz
Elena Martín Mantecón