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Residential Renovation towards nearly zero energy CITIES
Kartal Municipality in Turkey plays host to R2CITIES 3rd periodic meeting from 21 to 23 January The R2CITIES consortium convened in Kartal for its 3rd periodic meeting welcome by the Mayor, Dr. Altınok Öz.
Four key project components under the microscope at the R2CITIES 3rd periodic meeting in Kartal, Turkey January saw the R2CITIES consortium convene in Kartal, Turkey, for its 3rd periodic meeting.
Transparency and residents’ involvement make retrofitting work A residential energy-saving retrofitting program adopts strategies to convince local inhabitants of its benefits.
Retrofitting: all stakeholders involved upfront Involving all the players in a comprehensive retrofitting project from the start, an approach known as Integrated Project Delivery, could be the key to its success
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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement No 314473