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Residential Renovation towards nearly zero energy CITIES
The ways towards a Smart Regeneration of Cities and Regions is the core of the BY&FORCITIZENS Conference
Last month, the Kartal demo team led by the Municipality held the final demo site conference as the works under R2CITIES have now been completed
This year's European Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) took place earlier this month and in keeping with tradition, R2CITIES was present
Join us at stand 7-EF9 at the Networking Village between 9:00-12:30 on Thursday 7th June
28 February – 3 March 2018 | Wels, Austria
27-29 June 2018 | Aix-les-Bains, France
On Wednesday 22 November, we’re putting on two events as part of Genoa Smart Week
2-3 October 2017 | Budapest, Hungary
24-25 July 2017 | Milan, Italy
28-30 June 2017 | Middlesbrough, UK
23 June 2017 | Brussels, Belgium
7-10 June 2017 | Milan, Italy
7-8 June 2017 | The Hague, Netherlands
In the search for low carbon solutions, a fellow Horizon 2020 project – ISOBIO – is going back to nature to give some age-old building materials a very modern twist. R2CITIES partner ACCIONA is a member of both projects and used a recent workshop on bio-based insulation to explore possible synergies
My Smart City District member EU-GUGLE is organising a mid-term dissemination conference with its key partner City of Aachen (Germany) on Sustainable Renovation Models – Affordable Comfort for Smarter Cities. Due to take place on 22 April in Aachen, the event will focus on refurbishment technologies and replicability, as well as on scalability of solutions and financial models.
R2CITIES partner Steinbeis-Europa-Zentrum is due to hold the 3rd edition of its Women4Energy International conference in Stuttgart, Germany on 2 December. The one-day event will be delivered by women who are at the forefront of energy efficient smart cities and renewable energy
İstanbul, Türkiye - 8-9 October 2015
Sustainable Business Summit, 8-9 October 2015
9-11 Sept 2015. Lausanne, Switzerland
16-18 Sept 2015. Savona, Italy
21-25 September 2015. Global
17 June 2015 from 9h15 -15h45, Kartal Municipality Assembly Hall
19 June 2015 from 9h30-13h00, Quartiere San Pietro di Prà, Via Vittorini and Via Pavese “Barre Alte”
2 - 5 June 2015, Amsterdam - Netherlands
15 - 19 June 2015, Brussels - Belgium
11 – 13 March, Sofia, Bulgaria
15-17 April in Istanbul, Turkey
22-24 April Aberdeen, UK
14 - 17 June, Turin, Italy
“Real cities, real solutions, real impact – your toolkit to a smarter, more energy efficient future”
Brussels, 12 February 2015
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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement No 314473